A girl is special, created by God. If you praise her, she thinks you’re lying. If you don’t, you’re good for nothing. If she talks, she wants you to listen. If you listen, she wants you to talk. If you kiss her, you’re not a gentleman, if you don’t, you’re not a man. If you agree to all her likes, you’re a wimp. If you don’t, you’re not understanding. So simple yet so complicated. So weird yet so beautiful. That’s a girl. A non- understandable creature but definitely makes a guy complete.
GUYS. Have you ever thought how complicated girls are? Do you find yourselves in a complicated situation with no solutions? Well, This might enlighten you up a bit.
When she walks away from you mad - [Follow her]
When a girl is mad and she walked away from you follow her because all we need is more loving and more sweetness. :)
When she stares at your lips - [Kiss her]
Some girls do not want to get kissed unexpectedly. For me, I do not want to get kissed without my mind set onto it. I mean, There could be a another reason why I stare at his lips. It could be I just adore his pinky lips so much or simply because there is something between his teeth. haha!
When she pushes you or hit's you - [Grab her and don’t let go]
This works a lot for some girls. When a girl pushes you away and grab her at the same time its actually a feeling of security. It makes us feel that even though we pushed you away you still want her to be in your life in spite of everything we have done wrong to you.
When she starts cursing at you - [Kiss her and tell her you love her]
I'd never cursed my guy so I don't know how it feels to curse and what is the reason behind cursing because for me, If you love someone so much you will try not to hurt his feelings no matter what but if ever I started cursing my guy all I want him to do is to stop me from talking, kiss me and assure me that he loves me so much.
When she's quiet - [Ask her what’s wrong]
Of course! Ask her what's wrong. When a girl is quiet after a fight, She is probably thinking what to say next. Some girls think first before speaking, Girls are thinking of a more constructive sentence or she is thinking of a language that guys will understand because we all know that no matter how hard we try to tell a guy how we feel about a certain thing a guy still can not understand it not unless we speak in guys own language. When a girl is quiet when she meets up with a guy. Probably, There is something bothering her about her relationship or she has a problem with other people.
When she ignores you - [Give her your attention]
When girls ignore their guys all we need is more loving and more attention. Give us your time and we're fine with that and again, Ask us whats wrong.
When she pulls away - [Pull her back]
I actually love it when my guy pulls me through my wrist when we need to rush for something. Its a feeling that I can't explain. Anyway, Probably, You guys, did something wrong that made a girl step one foot backward. When she pull away, pull her back and explain your side and assure her everything is alright.
When you see her at her worst - [Tell her she's beautiful]
When I'm stressed my guy gives me massages and sometimes treats me with food and of course, more love. Most girls turn to their guys whenever they feel down and stressed. You guys must know how to make our ugly feelings go away. Ask your girl what she wants you to do or know what makes her relaxed. For example, When she's stressed she usually goes to the spa. So the next time she is stressed take the initiative and treat her to a spa day.
When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word]
Yes. Hold us and assure us everything is alright. Even you are mad at your girl, Even you had a nasty fight with her when she breaks down hold us, hug her tight and don't ever let go even though she pushes you away. She will definitely give in and will hug you back but not unless you cheated on her or lie to her on purpose. BE READY because you never know what a girl can do.
When you see her walking - [Sneak up and hug her waist from behind]
Not all the time. Not in a place with a lot of people, not when she's with her friends. Not when she's bringing a lot of things. Do it when there is only few people. Do it when the guy you are jealous about is just around. Do it when the girl she is jealous about is just around.
When she's scared - [Protect her]
Definitely! When your girl is scared and she calls you up. Be there and protect her.
When she lays her head on your shoulder - [Tilt her head up and kiss her]
When your girl lays her head on your shoulder, you can tilt her head up and kiss her or hug her from her waist and tell her you love her.
When she steal your favorite cap - [Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When your girl steal your cap play with her first tickle her, goof her, try to get your cap back and in the end, Let her keep your cap not for a night but until her heart's content.
When she teases you - [Tease her back and make her laugh]
When your girl teases you make fun of her, tease her and make her laugh.
When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [reassure her that everything is fine]
This is what most of the girls want guys to do. Instead of asking what's wrong with her just reassure her that everything is alright. Complicated right?
When she looks at you with doubt - [Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
Yes. No white lies please. Your girl needs the truth and besides whatever you do she will always know it. She will always find a way to assure herself that there's no reason to be doubtful. So be extra careful.
When she says that she likes you - [she really does more than you could understand]
She likes you then take one step forward.
When she grabs at your hands - [Hold hers and play with her fingers]
This a cute way to make her feel loved.
When she tells you a secret - [keep it safe and untold]
You are the most trusted person in her life. Remember that trust is the hardest thing to earn.
When she looks at you in your eyes - [don’t look away until she does]
Yes. Do not let her look away from you. Kiss her if she insists.
When your girl says she misses you. She wants you to be with her.
When you break her heart - [the pain NEVER really goes away]
Yes. So don't ever break her heart and don't make promises if you can't make do it.
When she says its over - [she STILL wants you to be hers]
Yes. This is definitely true. Your girl might say its over and wants you to leave her she actually means the opposite side.Its only a reactive response. She only wants assurance that despite of being a bad girl you still want her and willing to be with her for the rest of your life.
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
Thats boring. At least say something or think about a topic to talk about.
- DON'T let her have the last word
Only when you are talking on the phone.
- NEVER call her hot! Pretty and beautiful is so much better
Do not ALWAYS call her hot.
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
One of the nicest thing a guy could say to a girl.
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
Yes but No lies please. Don't ever tell her she is the best girl ever when the truth is someone else does.
- When she says she's sorry, she truly means it
Yes. Your girl do not like it when she tells you she's sorry and you're only replying with alright/fine. We want you to assure us that you are really forgiving us.
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid It simply means give importance to the things that is important to her.
When we smile, our teeth plays a big role even when we eat, without our teeth we cant chew our favorite yums. :) I am blessed for having a beautiful whites. I do not need braces just to make my pearly whites beautiful. I am proud to say that my whites are NATURAL! :)
Here some tips for a bright white teeth the easy way.
Chew for a brighter whites.
There are certain foods that stain our teeth like red wine, coffee, soy sauce, berries and a lot more but little did we know, there are also food that helps whiten our teeth. The fibrous foods such as apple, lettuce, celery, broccoli and also strawberry helps remove the stains in our teeth. The following foods remove stains by exfoliating teeth before the stain molecules have the time to attach deeply to the surface. It's like a skin scrub for your smile!
Drink through a straw
There are colored beverages that stains our teeth. So make sure to drink with a straw so that it wont seep through our whites. Also try brushing our teeth after drinking a teeth-staining beverages.
Kiss the stain away.
Some lip colors can actually make your teeth look significantly whiter and even darker! So Learn to choose the right lipstick shade for you. try nude shades or pinks that have bluish undertones.
Whitening Floss.
In addition to whitening the spaces in our teeth, Whitening Floss also helps maintain healthy gums too. Neglecting to care for your gums will eventually cause them to look red and irritated, detracting from your smile.
Use whitening toothpastes
Whitening toothpastes may promise to keep your pearly whites sparkling, but the truth is, toothpaste itself doesn't whiten teeth—it only helps scrub away stains before they settle in and discolor your enamel. (Always remember to brush before bedtime, since neglecting to do will give stains a chance to set overnight.)
I love my body. I love everything about my body. I am contented with what I have though I have the smallest waist line compared to all of my classmates (next to gwen who is the slimmest girl of our class), Having a 24 inches waist, Of course, I stop myself from gaining much weight. I found this helpful tips in Cosmo magazine. I hope this will help you. I am very willing to share this to all of you. Stop gaining weight and read this.
Never go grocery-shopping hungry.
It will lead you to load your cart with the most decadent items available.
Eat apples and loseweight
An apple is pack with fiber,nutrients, and water. So, If you munch on one, your stomach will feel full and you'll be unlikely to binge. People who eats apples before meal, lose weight faster.
Deep breathing can help
Hate looking at your abs, or whatever it is that passes for your abs? Take a deep breath and suck in your stomach for a few seconds. Repeat the action 10 times. Do it as often as you can. You'll see inches from your middle disappear soon enough.
Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter is very,very good for you. Not only does it exercise the muscles of your abdomen, It also helps burn loads of calories.
Milk your way to Weight loss
Experts find that getting too little calcium triggers the release of hormone called calcitriol, which tells the body to store fat instead of burn it. When calcium levels are sufficient, calcitriol levels remain low, and the body burns fat instead of storing it.
Pinch your ears to stop eating
If you feel your willpower suddenly slipping when confronted by sinful goodies on a tray, try pinching the small area of cartilage where your jaws start, just below the ears-this is an appetite control point according to acupuncturists. See if this helps you to stay off heavy treats.
Sleep more
Research into sleep and hormone function found that your metabolism rises and you burn calories more efficiently when you are well rested.
Go to the Mall
Go to the Mall and then spend all the time you want to doing what you always do--look around. Eventually, Choose a pile of clothes and then try them all out one by one. You obviously dont need to buy them all. This is a wonderful workout and one you'll enjoy as well.
Dont stop Fidgeting
Fidgeting: act of being nervous or adrenaline rush. Fidgeting can burn a hundreds of calories a day. Every time you run to grab the phone, stand up and pace around for no reason, walk around during that TV commercials or while talking on your cellphone, tap your feet to the beat of the music playing, crack your knuckles, or even just stand instead of sitting down, you're actually shedding those extra pounds.
Don't confuse thirst for hunger ( I love this! This works for me. )
Always grab a bottle of water when stepping out of the house. Reach for that when the first hunger pangs strike-often what you mistake for hunger is actually thirst. So, the next time inexplicable hunger assails you, reach for water first, as drinking also helps you feel full.
A girl is special, created by God. If you praise her, she thinks you’re lying. If you don’t, you’re good for nothing. If she talks, she wants you to listen. If you listen, she wants you to talk. If you kiss her, you’re not a gentleman, if you don’t, you’re not a man. If you agree to all her likes, you’re a wimp. If you don’t, you’re not understanding. So simple yet so complicated. So weird yet so beautiful. That’s a girl. A non- understandable creature but definitely makes a guy complete.
GUYS. Have you ever thought how complicated girls are? Do you find yourselves in a complicated situation with no solutions? Well, This might enlighten you up a bit.
When she walks away from you mad - [Follow her]
When a girl is mad and she walked away from you follow her because all we need is more loving and more sweetness. :)
When she stares at your lips - [Kiss her]
Some girls do not want to get kissed unexpectedly. For me, I do not want to get kissed without my mind set onto it. I mean, There could be a another reason why I stare at his lips. It could be I just adore his pinky lips so much or simply because there is something between his teeth. haha!
When she pushes you or hit's you - [Grab her and don’t let go]
This works a lot for some girls. When a girl pushes you away and grab her at the same time its actually a feeling of security. It makes us feel that even though we pushed you away you still want her to be in your life in spite of everything we have done wrong to you.
When she starts cursing at you - [Kiss her and tell her you love her]
I'd never cursed my guy so I don't know how it feels to curse and what is the reason behind cursing because for me, If you love someone so much you will try not to hurt his feelings no matter what but if ever I started cursing my guy all I want him to do is to stop me from talking, kiss me and assure me that he loves me so much.
When she's quiet - [Ask her what’s wrong]
Of course! Ask her what's wrong. When a girl is quiet after a fight, She is probably thinking what to say next. Some girls think first before speaking, Girls are thinking of a more constructive sentence or she is thinking of a language that guys will understand because we all know that no matter how hard we try to tell a guy how we feel about a certain thing a guy still can not understand it not unless we speak in guys own language. When a girl is quiet when she meets up with a guy. Probably, There is something bothering her about her relationship or she has a problem with other people.
When she ignores you - [Give her your attention]
When girls ignore their guys all we need is more loving and more attention. Give us your time and we're fine with that and again, Ask us whats wrong.
When she pulls away - [Pull her back]
I actually love it when my guy pulls me through my wrist when we need to rush for something. Its a feeling that I can't explain. Anyway, Probably, You guys, did something wrong that made a girl step one foot backward. When she pull away, pull her back and explain your side and assure her everything is alright.
When you see her at her worst - [Tell her she's beautiful]
When I'm stressed my guy gives me massages and sometimes treats me with food and of course, more love. Most girls turn to their guys whenever they feel down and stressed. You guys must know how to make our ugly feelings go away. Ask your girl what she wants you to do or know what makes her relaxed. For example, When she's stressed she usually goes to the spa. So the next time she is stressed take the initiative and treat her to a spa day.
When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word]
Yes. Hold us and assure us everything is alright. Even you are mad at your girl, Even you had a nasty fight with her when she breaks down hold us, hug her tight and don't ever let go even though she pushes you away. She will definitely give in and will hug you back but not unless you cheated on her or lie to her on purpose. BE READY because you never know what a girl can do.
When you see her walking - [Sneak up and hug her waist from behind]
Not all the time. Not in a place with a lot of people, not when she's with her friends. Not when she's bringing a lot of things. Do it when there is only few people. Do it when the guy you are jealous about is just around. Do it when the girl she is jealous about is just around.
When she's scared - [Protect her]
Definitely! When your girl is scared and she calls you up. Be there and protect her.
When she lays her head on your shoulder - [Tilt her head up and kiss her]
When your girl lays her head on your shoulder, you can tilt her head up and kiss her or hug her from her waist and tell her you love her.
When she steal your favorite cap - [Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When your girl steal your cap play with her first tickle her, goof her, try to get your cap back and in the end, Let her keep your cap not for a night but until her heart's content.
When she teases you - [Tease her back and make her laugh]
When your girl teases you make fun of her, tease her and make her laugh.
When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [reassure her that everything is fine]
This is what most of the girls want guys to do. Instead of asking what's wrong with her just reassure her that everything is alright. Complicated right?
When she looks at you with doubt - [Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
Yes. No white lies please. Your girl needs the truth and besides whatever you do she will always know it. She will always find a way to assure herself that there's no reason to be doubtful. So be extra careful.
When she says that she likes you - [she really does more than you could understand]
She likes you then take one step forward.
When she grabs at your hands - [Hold hers and play with her fingers]
This a cute way to make her feel loved.
When she tells you a secret - [keep it safe and untold]
You are the most trusted person in her life. Remember that trust is the hardest thing to earn.
When she looks at you in your eyes - [don’t look away until she does]
Yes. Do not let her look away from you. Kiss her if she insists.
When your girl says she misses you. She wants you to be with her.
When you break her heart - [the pain NEVER really goes away]
Yes. So don't ever break her heart and don't make promises if you can't make do it.
When she says its over - [she STILL wants you to be hers]
Yes. This is definitely true. Your girl might say its over and wants you to leave her she actually means the opposite side.Its only a reactive response. She only wants assurance that despite of being a bad girl you still want her and willing to be with her for the rest of your life.
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
Thats boring. At least say something or think about a topic to talk about.
- DON'T let her have the last word
Only when you are talking on the phone.
- NEVER call her hot! Pretty and beautiful is so much better
Do not ALWAYS call her hot.
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
One of the nicest thing a guy could say to a girl.
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
Yes but No lies please. Don't ever tell her she is the best girl ever when the truth is someone else does.
- When she says she's sorry, she truly means it
Yes. Your girl do not like it when she tells you she's sorry and you're only replying with alright/fine. We want you to assure us that you are really forgiving us.
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid It simply means give importance to the things that is important to her.
When we smile, our teeth plays a big role even when we eat, without our teeth we cant chew our favorite yums. :) I am blessed for having a beautiful whites. I do not need braces just to make my pearly whites beautiful. I am proud to say that my whites are NATURAL! :)
Here some tips for a bright white teeth the easy way.
Chew for a brighter whites.
There are certain foods that stain our teeth like red wine, coffee, soy sauce, berries and a lot more but little did we know, there are also food that helps whiten our teeth. The fibrous foods such as apple, lettuce, celery, broccoli and also strawberry helps remove the stains in our teeth. The following foods remove stains by exfoliating teeth before the stain molecules have the time to attach deeply to the surface. It's like a skin scrub for your smile!
Drink through a straw
There are colored beverages that stains our teeth. So make sure to drink with a straw so that it wont seep through our whites. Also try brushing our teeth after drinking a teeth-staining beverages.
Kiss the stain away.
Some lip colors can actually make your teeth look significantly whiter and even darker! So Learn to choose the right lipstick shade for you. try nude shades or pinks that have bluish undertones.
Whitening Floss.
In addition to whitening the spaces in our teeth, Whitening Floss also helps maintain healthy gums too. Neglecting to care for your gums will eventually cause them to look red and irritated, detracting from your smile.
Use whitening toothpastes
Whitening toothpastes may promise to keep your pearly whites sparkling, but the truth is, toothpaste itself doesn't whiten teeth—it only helps scrub away stains before they settle in and discolor your enamel. (Always remember to brush before bedtime, since neglecting to do will give stains a chance to set overnight.)
I love my body. I love everything about my body. I am contented with what I have though I have the smallest waist line compared to all of my classmates (next to gwen who is the slimmest girl of our class), Having a 24 inches waist, Of course, I stop myself from gaining much weight. I found this helpful tips in Cosmo magazine. I hope this will help you. I am very willing to share this to all of you. Stop gaining weight and read this.
Never go grocery-shopping hungry.
It will lead you to load your cart with the most decadent items available.
Eat apples and loseweight
An apple is pack with fiber,nutrients, and water. So, If you munch on one, your stomach will feel full and you'll be unlikely to binge. People who eats apples before meal, lose weight faster.
Deep breathing can help
Hate looking at your abs, or whatever it is that passes for your abs? Take a deep breath and suck in your stomach for a few seconds. Repeat the action 10 times. Do it as often as you can. You'll see inches from your middle disappear soon enough.
Laughter is the best medicine
Laughter is very,very good for you. Not only does it exercise the muscles of your abdomen, It also helps burn loads of calories.
Milk your way to Weight loss
Experts find that getting too little calcium triggers the release of hormone called calcitriol, which tells the body to store fat instead of burn it. When calcium levels are sufficient, calcitriol levels remain low, and the body burns fat instead of storing it.
Pinch your ears to stop eating
If you feel your willpower suddenly slipping when confronted by sinful goodies on a tray, try pinching the small area of cartilage where your jaws start, just below the ears-this is an appetite control point according to acupuncturists. See if this helps you to stay off heavy treats.
Sleep more
Research into sleep and hormone function found that your metabolism rises and you burn calories more efficiently when you are well rested.
Go to the Mall
Go to the Mall and then spend all the time you want to doing what you always do--look around. Eventually, Choose a pile of clothes and then try them all out one by one. You obviously dont need to buy them all. This is a wonderful workout and one you'll enjoy as well.
Dont stop Fidgeting
Fidgeting: act of being nervous or adrenaline rush. Fidgeting can burn a hundreds of calories a day. Every time you run to grab the phone, stand up and pace around for no reason, walk around during that TV commercials or while talking on your cellphone, tap your feet to the beat of the music playing, crack your knuckles, or even just stand instead of sitting down, you're actually shedding those extra pounds.
Don't confuse thirst for hunger ( I love this! This works for me. )
Always grab a bottle of water when stepping out of the house. Reach for that when the first hunger pangs strike-often what you mistake for hunger is actually thirst. So, the next time inexplicable hunger assails you, reach for water first, as drinking also helps you feel full.
She is the webmistress of maryangeldizon.blogspot.com. Sixteen years young, A graduating student of Angelicum College QC. She will be taking up a pre med course down to med proper to be named as DRA.DIZON.
Eldest Daughter, Eldest granddaughter, Eldest great granddaughter & Taken by Charles Michael Gaw.
She has many dreams in life. She wants EVERYTHING and nothing will stop her to get the things she wants. She wants to be a DOCTOR because it is what she loves along with photography, shopping and badminton. She loves to read, explore and share her knowledge to everyone.
She is optimistic and tends to be always right. You will never win a fight with her.
She has many reasons to tell you and things will go her way. ( Kidding ) but kidding aside, She can be mean too. She is SARCASTIC and OPINIONATED. She's not afraid of anything or anyone.
and Of course, She is easy going and sometimes a very humorous person.